In Praise of SAHM's of Multiples

While some of us are rushing to work on any given weekday, there is a faction of women holding down their households...
I have had the amazing blessing of marrying the man of my dreams, at the age of 46. We never raised children together but we blended our families and managed the lives of our adolescent-young adult children together. Fast forward some years and my amazing bonus son (the eldest child of my love), married his love and had identical twin boys; they are sleeping in my bed as I write this.
They are spectacular one year old solid citizens (trans-lation: they are one, clean, chunky, very well behaved and simply awesome kids); after spending a full day with them, I feel compelled to sing the praises of their mom, Jen.
While my bonus son deserves much love and respect for being an outstanding human being, husband and father as he sets the stage for his beloved Jen to rock the motherhood show! My daughter in love, deserves a frigging medal for being a superbly efficient mom of these amazing twins; after a one day stint, I am done.
Eighteen years ago, I gave birth to one child - a conscious decision after three days of labor, natural childbirth, and life circumstances- so I only can really wrap my brain around the concept of one child. But TWO? Of everything? - Wow! She gently passes it off as “I don’t know any other way”, since her foray into motherhood was this lovely set of twins.
While the “Stay At Home” route was not my personal choice, (my daughter’s father and I tag teamed and I was back to work three weeks after delivery); he worked nights, I worked days, so we could keep her at home for the first 18 months before she started school.
After this brilliant 24 Hour Lovefest I must take a moment to pay homage to Stay AT Home Mom’s - especially of Multiples, If your children are healthy, happy, well adjusted and loving...Bravo! You Rock! Take a bow and know that your work is respected and appreciated by educators, EVERYWHERE!
As one who worked with other people's children for two decades in education as a teacher and administrator; I am, essentially, going to receive what parent’s send to school. While some kids are not stellar, they are the best the parents have to send to us. I thank heaven and praise my Daughter in Love, for literally, in the not so distant future, she will be sending two solid citizens to school. They will grow up to be smart, charming, kind, socially aware and significantly sized productive beings unleashed upon this amazing world of ours.
In a few hours their parents will arrive to pick them up, and I will happily slip back into my empty nester life, but I would be remiss if I did not show some love to the SAHM’s who are doing it well and doing it right! Kudos!
Have you started your 21 Day Countdown to a Better You?