Let Us Talk About Sex...

Friends have been calling on me to teach their kids about sex and to have “the sex talk” for decades now, because I don’t blush, when they receive OR drop information. Yes varying generations of kids have dropped their knowledge on me to keep me in the loop of what is happening sexually with their set; and, sadly many parents haven't got a frigging clue.
If you are NOT doing the right thing, when it comes to being a parent, I promise you this, your child's favorite teacher or coach will know, long BEFORE you, when they are having sex, if they are pregnant/expecting, and how they identify for sexual encounters with others.
It amazes me that it has been 30 plus years since I left high school and so many of the same prevalent issues plague our society, still.
Parents, if you struggle talking about sex, with your partner and your child, you put yourself at an increased risk for issues that can fracture and devastate delicate relationships within your family.
Gain control and keep it. Knowledge is power!