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For My Beloved Single Mothers...

My beloved single mothers, this is for you… I was a single mom, for almost a decade. Trusting my amazing husband with my delicate heart, while I raised my brilliant daughter, was the best decision I ever made! There is nothing better than a man who scoops in and does the job a birth father should do.

Hey, life is what it is, maybe you married your baby(ies) daddy, maybe you did not; the bottom line is, you are doing this gig on your own. Maybe he pays child support, maybe he takes his children on a regular. If that is your situation, you do not have a dog in this fight sit down and thank heaven you have a co parent, and if you do, work it, raise your kids and make decisions together. But for my girls, being mom and dad, this is for you!

One of my lovely former students, who is a single mom, in her early 20's (and granted me permission to discuss this) shared with me the lack of support and guidance her demographic suffers from. I feel the need to drop some serious wisdom on idiots who know NOTHING about a situation, yet because of their privilege (in this case, white and male) and arrogance, they feel they can drop knowledge on the person going through the trauma. When my beloved warrior princess told me that a dear friend of hers; a twenty something, single mother, was told by a local radio host to wait and not indulge in a personal life, as a former single mom, I saw red.

Who gave your dumb arse the right to tell a girl anything? Shut up and sit down! So here we are, the birth of my blog...

My beloved warrior princesses, you are raising tomorrow’s people, you must learn the fine and delicate art of balance. Yes, your child should be a priority in all that you do, but know this, you are human, you deserved to be loved, and you need to get yours.

Be knowledgeable to know what you like, what your kinks are, and what your boundaries are. Draw your line in the sand and protect your child and your privacy. Work hard and play hard.

During the day, peak “Mom Hours”, do your thing...turn off the TV, love on your babies, read to them, teach them, play with them, talk to them. When they go to bed, at the same time, every night, let your freak flag fly, as long as you are prepared to be the best mom you must be by whatever time AM, the next morning.

It is all about balance beloved, and bottom line, if someone is loved, they are going to be much more pleasant to be around; be someone who is loved. Just make sure you are getting the love you deserve.


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